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Short link Management

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Short link Management

BSD (Branded Short Domain)

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What is redirected broken link?

The redirected broken link is a feature provided in “PicSee BSD (Branded Short Domain)” or “The advanced features of BSD”.
This feature allows users to customize the destination URL which the link will be automatically redirected to when the link is broken.

PicSee provides the default page to which the link will be redirected when the link is broken (Click here to see it). Users can customize the default destination, such as your website homepage, “Can’t find this page” message, by setting the redirected broken link. It enhances brand visibility for your BSD. When the link is broken, it won’t display the PicSee page.

How to set up redirected broken link:
1. Click the account on the top right corner, and go to “Settings”.
2. Switch to the “Domains” tab
3. Find the activated BSD for advanced features in the BSD section, and click the domain.
4. Find “The redirected broken link”, and click “Start Setting”.
5. Enter the default destination which you want to redirect to when the link is broken, and click “Setup Complete”
6. After setting up, you can put your mouse on the link on “The redirected broken link”, and a trashcan will appear on the right. You can remove these settings, and reset another link.
For security and browsing experience considerations, a redirected broken link is not allowed to be set as a “short link”, only can be a normal link. PicSee will not check whether the link is available or not, so we recommend you make a check first before you set the link.
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